My First (and last) Golf Outing

In my Corporate career, I worked in Finance, Sales, Marketing, IT and Supply Management (we used to call it Purchasing!). I spent the longest time in Sales. I still consider myself a Salesman (see Ode to a Salesman). I had many many opportunities to Golf. Sales people always golf; it is a prime time to schmoose a customer. I never did it. I’d beg off. If I was at a three day sales meeting there would be two days of meeting and the third day was a Golf Outing with an awards dinner and all kinds of golf related stuff like “Closest to the pin” and “Mulligan Award” handed out with applause and booze all around. I would leave the night before or the morning of and be at work working while my fellows were golfing.

Until my last job in Supply Management. It was a three day meeting at the Marriott Seaview in New Jersey. The third day was a Golf Outing. At dinner the night before I said to my boss, “I’ll be leaving after breakfast and returning to work, anything you want me to take care of in the office?”. She replied, “You should join us for Golf – think of it as a bonding experience.” I said I don’t golf. She said you can drive the golf cart but you WILL join us tomorrow at 9AM.

I did. I drove a golf cart. I tried to follow the balls my fellow golfers were hitting, but could not for the life of me track those suckers. It was a lovely day. At the 8th hole we stopped at a little house structure that was filled with snacks and treats and refreshments of every kind. The young girl behind the counter said “What can I get you?” And she meant ANYTHING I wanted – for FREE!! I could not believe what was happening. And then Lunch happened – and went on and on until 2:45. Driving home after lunch (because it was too late to go to the office) I commiserated with myself. What a fool I had been all those years to pass up the Golf!